Saturday, November 17, 2007


When the axis of the solid inclined any of the projection plane,

  1. First assume the axis is perpendicular to that plane.
  2. Draw the projection in simple position


    1. Top view first if the axis is perpendicular to HP


    2. Front view first if the axis is perpendicular to VP



  3. Change position of the view to the given inclination


    1. Tilt the front view, if the axis inclined to the HP


    2. Tilt the top view, if the axis inclined to the VP



  4. Project from this view to get the final view


    1. Project from the front view, to get the top view if the axis inclined to the HP


    2. Project from the front view, to get the top view if the axis inclined to the HP



  5. Ensure all the points are named in an appropriate manner


    1. Lower case letters with a (')dash for the front views


    2. Lower case letters alone for the top views

Happy Drawing

1 comment:

Unknown said...

can you please explain about perspective projection