- The simplest position a straight line occupies in a space is, it is parallel to both V.P and H.P.
- The above position resulting in straight line as a top view and front view.
- For any other position first assume the given line parallel to both the planes.
- Then decide the view which will give us the true length of the line and true inclination.
- Rotate this view to the given angle to get the final view.
- Project from it to get the other final view.
For example:
- If a line is inclined to H.P, the front view will have the true length and true inclination.
- Therefore rotate the front view to the given angle (θ -theta) and project this line to get final top view.
- If a line is inclined to V.P, the top view will have the true length and true inclination.
- Therefore rotate the top view to the given angle ( φ-phi) and project this line to get final front view.
(Picture Coutesy:http://www.georgehart.com/cccg/Image71.jpg)
thanks ....:)
thanx sir....
want more tips........if u add some egs then it will be better
sir if u add some examples then it will me better
its good
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